Electric Hoists

Helical groove and Pile-Wind winches with comprehensive control systems and fully compliant and tailored for each application.
Curtain Motors

Stagecraft builds both Helical groove drum and Capstan drive curtain motors catering for all entertainment and commercial applications.
Lighting Bars

Stagecraft developed the SLX Modular Lighting Bar to meet the increasingly stringent compliance challenges for electrical and mechanical safety.
AirFlo Sprung Flooring System

The STAGECRAFT AirFlo floor system provides an economical, hard-wearing dance and drama surface which can be installed in new or retrofit situations.

Rostrum singular. Rostra plural: Basic portable flat-pack stage units. Standard sizes: 1200 x 1800. Tops are 300, 600 or 900 high. Can also be supplied in custom sizes and shapes.
Drapes & Masking

All standard theatre drapes from Velvet House Curtains to Cycloramas; Black wool masking; gauzes and scrims.
Cyclorama Tensioning Systems

The STAGECRAFT Studio Cyclorama Side Tensioning System is ideal for situations where a cyclorama is used regularly.
Patch Panels

Patch Panels, Stage Boxes (traps), are among a host of products available.

Stagecraft represents most Australian and overseas manufacturers of lighting equipment for entertainment.

A complete range of entertainment industry style aluminium truss is available including made-to-order truss elements.

A large range of entertainment audio equipment is available including Assistive Listening Devices which comply with current Australian Standards.

We supply a large range of entertainment industry consumable items including:
Colour filter
Smoke/haze fluid
Stage Hardware

Floor Traps Road Cases
Hand Winches
Wardrobe racks
Shot Bags

5kg, 10kg & 15kg heavy duty vinyl shotbags filled with zinc pellets and strong webbing handles. A thousand uses in theatre, television and film production.